Carver's Beads of Courage from the NICU |
Smiling in his sleep. |
A dream come true- Carver was finally discharged from the NICU on Sunday, April 15, 2012 after 28 long days in the hospital. During his stay- he went through so much! It's hard to keep track. They had us in their "Beads of Courage" program, where Carver earned a bead for everything he went through while in the NICU. He has a lot of beads- which makes me sad... but it also reminds us of how amazing he is and how he fought to survive.
Each bead represents something different. For instance, black is for how many times he had to be stuck with a needle (for blood tests, IVs), pink is when he had breathing assistance on the ventilator, teal is when he has tubes inserted and removed (such a his feeding or breathing tube), happy face beads are when he had feeding transitions, blues are his weekly markers, purples are antibiotics, green is nutritive feeding through IV, rainbows are visits from specialists, speckled ones are from head ultrasounds, etc. There are special beads, too, such as when Mommy/Daddy first held him (pink & blue hearts), first time nursing (white heart), first bath with Mommy (dark blue heart), brain surgery to place his shunt (green & white circle), etc. He went through so much, and I'm so proud of him for overcoming every challenge. He is so amazing!
The few weeks at home have been such a joyous time (as you can tell- I haven't even had a chance to make a post until now!) We have been soaking up all of the love he gives us, and have been giving him as many hugs and kisses as possible. It is so wonderful to have him home with us, and he has settled in perfectly.
First nap at home! |
As far as development, Carver has been doing the same thing he always has: defying the odds and showing us how much of a miracle he is! Earlier this week, he weighed 5 lbs 10 oz- so by now, he is probably near 5 lbs 14 oz (which is 2 lbs more than when he was born!) He is also now at 18.5" long- which is 2.5" since he was born. He is growing and eating like a champ. :) He has been seeing his pediatrician, who thinks he is absolutely amazing! She does OMT (Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment) once a week which will really help with his surgery recovery and skull development. Earlier this week, he also went to follow-up with his neurosurgeon. He got his stitches removed and it looks like everything is going well with his shunt. He will have a CT Scan in 6 weeks to make sure everything looks good internally.
Today, we went to see a pediatric ophthalmologist. They dilated Carver's pupils and were able to look at his optic nerves and eye development. The doctor let me know that everything about Carver's eyes were perfectly normal. He said his development was excellent and his vision was great! This is HUGE news!! We are so happy to hear that his eyes are good, especially since visual impairment is very normal for children with brain abnormalities. Hopefully, nothing will change. We will visit him again in 8 months. He was very excited for us and said that he was very happy with the results. We're thrilled!
Carver and his big brother! |
Our older boys are such great brothers. They are always very sweet to Carver and cannot wait for him to "grow big" and play with them. The other day, his brother wanted to hold him for the first time (he has been a little timid since Carver is so small.) He LOVED holding him and rocked him while singing "rock my baby... rock my baby... " It was so, so sweet. Melted my heart. I can't wait to see them grow together!
Over the next few weeks, Carver will be seeing lots of specialists to get an idea of what we need to be prepared for. He is going to be starting physical and occupation therapy, as well as visiting with a developmental pediatrician. Since he only passed his hearing screen on the right-hand side, he is going to have a follow-up next week and have another screening. Hopefully he will pass the left side, too!
Aside from all of that, Carver is a healthy, wonderful little miracle. He has shown us no signs of abnormalities, and just continues to amaze us each day. He smiles a LOT and laughs in his sleep. It is so cute! He is a very laid-back and mellow baby who rarely cries. He sleeps well and doesn't mind all of the racket his wild older brothers make. :) He really is such a blessing and a special gem!
So, for now, it's just a "wait and see" experience to see how Carver develops. We'll be visiting lots of specialists, but most of all, we'll just be eating, sleeping, growing, and soaking up all of the love that is humanly possible. As soon as anything changes- we'll be sure to keep you posted!