He has accomplished so much in this past week. From the beginning, he has never needed oxygen or help breathing (expect when they put him under for his MRI). His heart has been strong and perfect. He has been feeding so well (through his tube) and they have already upped his feedings 3 times this week. He started our at 10 mL and now he is at 35 mL for each feeding!
Like all babies, he lost lost a little weight after being born (2 oz), but now he is back at his birth weight (3 lb 14 oz) and gaining a little more each day. This is the last challenge we have in the NICU: gaining weight and learning how to eat by mouth. Once he can do that (and regulate his own body temperature), he will be ready to come home! He has been on and off the jaundice lights all week (which is completely common for preemie babies with underdeveloped livers.) Here he is with Daddy during photo-therapy- he looks like a magical glowing Avatar baby! :)
One of the bright highlights of this week was Carver breastfeeding like a champ. The very first time we tried to nurse, he latched on like a pro and was able to get about 8 mL entire through nursing! The lactation consultant was stunned. She said that in 20 years, she has only seen one 32-weeker able to do what he did. I am so very proud of him! Normally, babies don't develop the suck/swallow/breathe coordination until about 35 weeks. On top of that, many babies with brain conditions are not ever able to nurse. He has defied all of the odds!
Even though he cannot nurse for all of his feedings, they are able to use his tube to feed him. Thankfully, I've been able to get my milk to come in fast and he is exclusively on breast milk. This is huge because there are so many AMAZING qualities about breast milk, and I'm sure he is going to benefit greatly from that! I can't wait to be able to nurse him more as he grows.
We go and see our little angel every single day. It is the highlight of our day and we love spending time with him and getting to hold him skin-to-skin. Hopefully soon he will be moving up to the main NICU where he will have his own private room. That way, we can stay up there for long hours and sleep if we wanted to. Then again- he may be coming home before we know it- so it may not even be an issue!
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Let's hope he comes home quick!
Love that sweet baby!! he is a miracle...God is amazing! we love you